I wanted to put an exclamation point after "Spring" in the title, but it's cloudy and drizzly and 45 degrees, so I don't think the day is exclamation point-worthy. It is, however, the vernal equinox, so of course, I am in love with spring today.
I guess the love today is more about breathing a sigh of relief that the long winter is over, that surely, there will be blue skies and warm air and green things appearing soon. I did take note of the crocuses breaking through on the path outside my front door. There is still a good nine inches of snow on my deck, but much of the landscape has rid itself of the dirty stuff.
In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt. ~ Margaret Atwood
Yes! It won't be long before I will be turning the soil, spreading the compost, readying the garden beds. My raised beds are filled with black dirt from Pine Island, arguably the best soil one can find. I will likely purchase a ton of black dirt to top off my beds again this year. It is delivered in a Big Yellow Bag. Here's a picture from when I first filled the beds, two years ago. I shoveled 8 tons of black dirt into those beds. Yes, I did. And at the end of the day, I smelled like dirt. It was good. And I can't wait to smell that dirt again.
Soon. For now, it is nice just to know that winter is over. Even if there's another snowstorm coming next week, winter is over. Survived another one. And there is only promise ahead. Rain and sun and dirt and lots and lots of green. How could anyone not be in love with all that?
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