Monday, February 10, 2014


If the word that I chose as the title of this post was followed by an exclamation point, you might be deceived into thinking that you were going to be reading a rant.  Enough of this winter!  Enough of this snow!  Enough of this divisive political climate!  Enough of Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber already!  Enough!

But there's no exclamation point.

I happened to hear a new song by Elizabeth and the Catapults this morning called "More Than Enough."  And it set off an explosion of thought in my morning head.  Indeed, we live in a culture where we are told every day that we do not have enough.  Surely, there is more to be had, and the corporate world wants us to have it.  (For a price, of course.)  Those of us who grew up with seven channels on our black and white TV sets (2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13, in case you forgot) have been told for years that it wasn't enough.  Even Bruce's 1992 hit "57 Channels and Nothin' On" has become quite dated.  There are hundreds of channels now.  And it's still not enough.

There are never enough wars, never enough big box stores, never enough fast food choices, never enough talk radio voices.  (Never enough accidental rhyme?)  I could go on and on with this list, but I will spare you.  You've been told and sold the same hype as I have.  Buy more.

But I have enough.

I have enough pesto in the freezer, enough books to read, enough oil in the tank, enough faith in something better.  I have enough music to fill my home, enough memories to make me nostalgic.  I have enough sun coming through my windows, enough birds at my feeder, enough "likes" on my Facebook posts.  I have enough patience.

I have enough love.  My cat loves me.  And I'm pretty sure my kids love me, even if I do tend to yell too much.  (Having enough patience is never enough.)  I have enough friends, a few of whom have crossed over that line of liking me a lot to loving me and telling me so.

From Elizabeth's song:

Once in awhile, though it's never the plan
I go blue and ungrateful, take to hiding again
To the friend at the window, disguised as an angel
It's enough.  It's enough.

I am in love with all that I have.  And it's enough.


  1. accumlate and hoard
    gathering all our stuff
    the loathing we have stored
    not realizing WE are enough

    couldn't resist.

    Having a daily blast falling in love with you all over again ! :D

  2. I, too, have enough.
    Yet, I don't have to look far to find those with more but think it's not enough and those that have less but think it's more than enough.

  3. Read this one after the last. Am concerned that you do not have enough oil. I know Monroe is far from you - but you could always come here tomorrow before the storm. Much love...
