Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Yeah, you knew it was coming.  Falling in love with snow.  To be truthful, I am hoping that blogging about it might convince me that there is something to love there.  More truth:  I am retired, so I don't really have to go out in it, thereby making it easier to love . . . from my living room window.

Living in northwest New Jersey most of my life means that I am used to this, and having been a teacher for thirty years, there was no greater thrill than getting that 5:30 a.m. phone call announcing a snow day.  And I have some foggy memories of being a kid and actually liking spending a day out in the stuff, frostbite be damned.  So we have a history, snow and me.  Like any other relationship, it was extreme.  When we were in love, it was beautiful, and when we were angry at one another, it was not pretty.

It snowed all day yesterday, one of those Currier & Ives kind of snowfalls.  I had nowhere I needed to go, and I was quite content to putter around here, glancing out my window every so often to see how much was accumulating.

And this morning, the sun was out, and I am about to become guilty of using every predictable adjective you can think of.  Yes, it was glistening.  It was pristine.  It was effin' SHIMMERING, it was so damn beautiful!  I put my Jeep into 4-wheel drive and went off to do some errands.  It was early enough that the snow still covered the branches of the trees, and yes, it was a Winter Wonderland.  (Still guilty.)  I drove slowly, taking it all in, allowing myself to fall in love.

And I did.  For now.  There is more snow in the immediate forecast.  And there is snow beyond that.  Forget the hysterical warnings to GET MILK!  GET BREAD!  I have coffee, I have wine, and there is still some summer garden harvest in my frig and freezer, provided I don't lose power and cannot cook it.  With power, I'm good for a week or two.  My house is warm.  And I have a cat.  So let it snow.

Let it snow.

Let it snow.


  1. Well, I missed the whole thing. But I know what you mean. I love the coziness of snow, indoors, and the exhilaration of being outdoors, shoveling. Snow gives me a break in my life - I love it too.

  2. It can be damned pretty, can't it...
