Monday, April 21, 2014


These girlfriends really need a vacation.  They are teachers, and the stress they are under these days with all the bureaucratic bullpuckey is taking a toll on them.  I have listened to their nightmare stories all day now, but starting tomorrow, I am pulling the plug.  I am not going to allow them to think, talk, or cry about it anymore.  Because they are here with me now in warm and sunny Florida, and the beach is on our agenda tomorrow.  It is called vacation for a reason.

I never sleep well the night before a flight, and apparently, neither do my girlfriends.  So we arrived here mid-afternoon, ready for a nap.  But our smarter selves told us that we need to procure the groceries and beverages, so we headed to Publix.  At the checkout, Kathy attempted to pick up the 12-pack of Sam Adams Summer Ale to place it on the belt, but it got away from her, smashing and spilling on the supermarket floor.  The good news is that we'd put a warm 12-pack in our cart, but the replacement 12-pack, brought to us by a friendly Publix employee, was icy-cold.  Win!  Another win is the fact that we will still be telling this story years from now and laughing our asses off over it.

Our gabfest on the balcony tonight was candlelit, wine-infused, and therapeutic.  And this is only Day #1.  I can see them relaxing already.  And I can feel myself snuggling back into the place where I am loved unconditionally by friends who know me well, to whom I can tell all my secrets, and who reaffirm that I am "classy," despite the fact that I wore socks and Birkenstocks with Capri pants on the plane.  These are my people, my girlfriends.  I am overjoyed to be here with them

And I am telling them, here in this blog, that I am in love with them.


  1. Smiling as I read about this love. Certainly all of you will have love and fun!!!

  2. And we love you too, despite the black anklets and Birkenstocks!
