Saturday, November 15, 2014

Patience, Part II

I wrote about patience back in April.  Yes, it's a virtue.  Not one that I ever remember having.  But I've been noticing lately that it's becoming easier to be patient.  I very recently described myself as a patient person, then said, "Wait.  What?  You're patient?"

Yes!  I am!  I can wait for it, whatever "it" is.  A phone call, an email, a get-together, a trip, a date, a package from, a new car, the return of one of my adventuring children.  I can wait.

And it's kind of bizarre, isn't it?  When I was younger and had it all, I was so impatient for more.  I couldn't wait for holidays, I couldn't wait for summer, I couldn't wait for all those "firsts" that my kids accomplished, I couldn't wait for the next episode of thirtysomething.  I was always looking ahead, waiting for the next thing.  Impatiently.

Now I'm older, running out of time, and I am patiently waiting, as if I have all the time in the world.


Why not?  I have arrived at the whatever stage of life.  I've had a lot of joy, and I've had a lot of sadness.  I've waited for things, and whether I was patient or not, they either happened or they didn't.  So what is the point of being impatient?

No point at all.  I love being released from impatience.

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