Sunday, September 14, 2014

Finalizing the Itinerary

Oh, yes!  I am a planner!  I am decidedly NOT a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of traveler.  I like to have everything planned, booked, and preferably paid for.  But that is not to say that I cannot be spontaneous.  There is plenty of room in my itinerary for impulsive decisions.  But when you plan a road trip that begins on one specific day and ends on another specific day (and involves expensive airfare), it is nice to know how many miles you must travel on any given day and where your bed will be at the end of that day.

At this point, I would think that you are wondering where I am going.  And I am happy to tell you, because I am so excited about this trip!  In a few days, I will fly out to Reno, where my son will pick me up and take us to his current location in northeastern California.  After checking out his digs for a day or two, he and I are headed out on a ten-day road trip!  I have been planning this trip for several weeks, and today, I put the finishing touches on the itinerary.  And it's good!

Our road trip involves mountains, lakes, ocean beaches, and redwood forests.  Wineries, breweries, baseball stadiums, and castles.  Waterfalls, lost coasts, national monuments and parks, walking tours, and mystery spots.  Lodges, cafes, inns on the beach, a Burmese restaurant, and lots and lots of windy roads.  Great variety!

Oh, it's going to be fun!  And the fact that my 22-year-old son is willing to do a road trip with his 64-year-old mother is, in and of itself, a wonderful thing.  Sam and I enjoy the same music, so even if we run out of conversation on the road, we will be happy listening to our tunes.  It's all good.

Tonight, I will type up our itinerary, start a list of what to pack, and dream of the adventure we will have.  I haven't seen Sam in nearly four months, so you can understand my eagerness.  I hope all my planning pays off in a memorable trip.  You can be sure that you will be reading about it in future posts!

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