Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I suppose I just have to finally accept that it's not summer anymore.  I've been in denial.  Spending the last two weeks in California with no deciduous trees in sight allowed me to continue that denial.  Until today.  While I was away, autumn happened.

There is no doubt that October (at least here in the Northeast) is one of the most beautiful months.  So why do I have such a hard time enjoying it?  It all comes down to that human flaw . . . living in memory and anticipation instead of in the moment.  My memory of summer weather, longer days, lighter clothes, gardening, open windows and outdoor concerts leads me to mourn the passing of my favorite season.  And my anticipation of being cold, housebound, seasonally depressed, and lonely just puts another nail in the coffin.  I am not happy about any of this.

So today, the first day of October, I am going to fall in love.  To do that, I need to dismiss my concept of time.  Ha!  Not so easy!  But I need to focus on the day at hand and respect and appreciate its beauty.  Summer is gone and winter is not here yet.  October allows me to hover in the space between, and what a glorious space it is!

In the next couple of weeks, I will be putting the gardens to bed.  My head is already full of things I will do differently in next year's gardens.  (And see?  There's that anticipation rearing its head again!)  I just need to view every day with my eye on the present.  And the present is wrapped in orange and brown with gold ribbons.

I will open it every day and love what lies within.

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