Thursday, October 23, 2014

Rainy Days

How did I get 271 entries into this blog without falling in love with rainy days?  I know there were previous entries titled Box of Rain and April Showers and Summer Rain, but it's late October now, and this week has held a lot of rain.  What else to do but fall in love?

Before this rainy day dawned, I'd planned on spending it at home.  I'd scheduled my plumber to come and have a look at a slow leak under my kitchen sink, and I was content to stay home and wait for him to show up.  The fact that he didn't has been forgiven now; he called me to apologize a little while ago.  I've known Bob forever, since he wrote poetry in the English class I taught in which he was a long-haired, angst-ridden teenage boy (the best kind of teenage boy).  Bob will be here tomorrow morning.

So what to do on a rainy day when one is home-bound?  A lot of little, nagging things, of course.  And then I took a look at the pile of CDs that have been patiently waiting to be added to my iTunes account, and I decided that would be a good chore to work on while waiting for Bob.

The next thing I knew, it was 5:00, and Bob was calling to apologize for not showing up.

With over 2000 songs on my iPods, I am concerned about repeating titles, so I always check before I install a song.  I also pick and choose which songs to include and rarely install an entire CD.  All of this takes time.  But it was a rainy day today, and I had lots of time.

And that's the thing about rainy days.  They seem to stretch out ahead of us so full of time and possibility.  Sunny days tend to warn us:  Hurry up and do what you want because I won't hang around here forever!  But rainy days are languid and unhurried and open.  There's no hurry.  Pick something to do and then take your time doing it.

And that's how I spent this rainy day.  Loving every minute of it.

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