Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tiger Lilies

When Pete and I built our home, we had no money left over for landscaping.  My guess is that that is a problem for a lot of homeowners.  So Pete and a friend went off into the night to some back roads and "stole" some roadside tiger lilies.  You are looking at some descendants of those lilies, about 25 years down the road.

Recently, a gardening friend referred to these treasures as "those roadside lilies" as if they were something less than the daylilies one would purchase at a nursery.  Well, I beg to differ.  A rose by any other name . . . I love my roadside tiger lilies.

Tiger lilies bloom around the Fourth of July.  This year, my Jenna returns from almost a year in Australia on the night of July 3.  When she wakes up in her own bed on July 4th, the tiger lilies will be ablaze with a welcome home!  Interestingly, a family friend has long called Jenna Tiger Lily, so the timing is perfect.
And so are the tiger lilies.  Let the pictures speak for themselves.

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