Thursday, August 28, 2014


Magenta ain't a colour.  So says Liz Elliott on Go ahead, click on it.  You will be treated to some pretty fascinating optical illusions.

I googled the word magenta once I decided that the color was falling-in-love-worthy.  I had no idea I would find such fascinating information!

Magenta is an “extraspectral” color. Sir Isaac Newton noticed that magenta did not exist in the spectrum of colors from white light when he played with prisms. But when he superimposed the red end of the spectrum on to the blue end, he saw the color magenta.

When I was 15, I had a magenta mohair sweater.  I loved magenta then, and I still love magenta now.

Anyway, Jenna was getting rid of some clothes recently, and I happily went through all of it to see if I could find any treasures.  Sure enough, there was a magenta T-shirt with a couple of paint spots on it.  Perfect for days when I am doing projects!  Today was one of those days, so I donned the T-shirt.  At a point where I needed a break, I went out to the garden to sit in the remaining sunlight.  Within minutes, a dragonfly landed on my boob.  Yes, that's right, on my boob.  I stared at him, talked to him (in baby-talk, of course), and tried to contain my excitement that an exuberant dragonfly was perched on my chest!  Lo and behold, another dragonfly, which looked like a twin, landed on my arm.  So there I was, sitting perfectly still, while two dragonflies contemplated the universe while resting on my person.  This has never happened before, so I considered that it must be the color of my shirt.

Break over, I returned to one of my projects, which was using up all those garden tomatoes in sauce to freeze.  I was filling zip-lock bags and setting them to cool on the counter when splat! one of the bags tipped over and splashed to the white tile floor.  In truth, the radiating splash was more red than blue, but I thought about magenta as I stared at the mess I now had to clean up.  Like magic, the red blob began to morph into magenta.  Yes, this is what love can do, people.

Continuing my google search, I found this:  The color magenta is one of universal harmony and emotional balance. It is spiritual yet practical, encouraging common sense and a balanced outlook on life. 

Um, yes.  That would be me.

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