Saturday, December 27, 2014

Hundreds of Ways

There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.  ~ Rumi

That has long been one of my favorite quotes. But I already wrote about that last month, didn't I?  Well, maybe Conor Oberst was reading my mind or my blog, because he has a new song titled Hundreds of Ways.  Actually, he was probably reading Rumi.

Anyway, the song is in my head.  The lyrics (at least the chorus) are rather simple:
There are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of ways 
To get through the day 
Just find one 

Concerned about me, my daughter asked me today what I plan to do in January.  She will be returning to Florida next week, and she knows how much I dislike winter here in the Northeast. She wanted to be sure that I had some project in mind to get me through a month of likely snow and sub-zero temperatures before I visit her in February.

"I'll probably be shoveling snow," I deadpanned.  

The truth is, I don't have a particular project in mind, but I'm not concerned about that.  I'll come up with something.  I'll come up with several things.  Because it's true:  there are hundreds of ways to get through the day.  And each day, I just need to find one.

So I'll read, I'll craft, I'll write poetry, I'll binge-watch a series on Netflix, I'll refinish a piece of furniture, I'll purge closets and drawers of outdated stuff, I'll catch mice, I'll make soup, I'll do a jigsaw puzzle, I'll start a novel, I'll write letters, I'll take out the garbage, I'll build a snowman, I'll ice skate, I'll try to sell stuff on ebay, I'll watch the birds at the feeder, I'll try to make some new friends.

Wow.  The word I'll starts to look really weird after awhile, doesn't it?

There are hundreds of ways to fall in love.  This is one.

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