Sunday, December 7, 2014

Margaret's Cookies

Hi, Margaret!  I'm pretty sure you're reading this, so please consider this a thank you for a fun afternoon packing up your cookies!  It's just too easy to fall in love with them!

For those of you who are not fortunate enough to know Margaret, she has many talents, only one of which is her baking talent.  Every Christmas, she packages up at least sixty tins of home-baked Christmas cookies.  I wish I could tell you how many dozens she makes, but I didn't ask, and she probably doesn't remember.  She just bakes and bakes all autumn and freezes them.

And then today happens.  I am the lucky one who gets invited to help her package up the cookies.  On a very long table she has set up in her living room, she has laid out the plastic containers of cookies, a different kind in every bin.  I forgot to count or take pictures, but there must have been at least twenty different containers with maybe five or six dozen cookies in each one.  We line a cookie tin with wax paper and fill it up with one or two of every kind of cookie.  And then we do that again.  And again. Until all her containers are filled.  Back in the freezer they go until she delivers her goodies to those lucky enough to be on her list.

And yes, I get to nibble as I go.  (I know you were wondering.)  It's cookie heaven.

This is what I brought home:

Do I have favorites?  I will let you know after I eat them all!  But wait.  No.  I cannot eat them all.  Sam isn't coming home for Christmas this year, so I will be sending a package to California.  You can bet there will be a tin of Margaret's cookies in the box.  Sam has known Margaret's cookies for a dozen years.  So he will find a little bit of home in the mail within the next week or two.
Every year, Margaret says she is going to cut back on her baking the next year.  But she never does.

Lucky me.  And lucky everyone else who is in love with her gift of cookies.


  1. The cookies look great. My favorite part of Christmas is the cookies.

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